Does your church observe a UWFaith Sunday? 

It can be a wonderful way to celebrate your local group's dedication to mission or to honor members. It should always be a way for others in the congregation to learn about United Women in Faith - our missions and activities, our opportunities for spritual growth, and fellowship!

A United Women in Faith Sunday might be observed at any time of the year. Choose a time to celebrate a special project or anniversary. Or just be happy to get on the church calendar.

This organization was founded on March 23, 1869 when a group of eight intrepid women founded the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, an organization that was the forerunner of today's United Women in Faith. To fulfill their vision of creating educational opportunities and providing health care to women in India, these founding women asked others to contribute “their prayers and two pennies.” In this way a movement of faith and generosity in action was born.  March 23rd is now celebrated as our national UWF "Day of Giving" providing a nice way to celebrate. March is also Women's History Month, too.

Traditions differ, of course. We hope you will share about your UMW / UWFaith Sunday traditions here! Your traditions will inspire others!


Linda Kennedy on 01-17-2024 at 8:24 AM
We celebrate UMW Sunday at First Church Fort Worth every September. The exact September is chosen along with the church staff as we have several special Sunday traditions in September. UMW members serve as ministry volunteers in all services as ushers, greeters, lay readers, etc and this year we had all of our women clergy lead the service and preach. Our UMW President has a couple of minutes in each service to share what UMW is about and to invite women to join us. UMW sets up tables in the garden showcasing our UMW's programs and each circle also sets up a table. We usually include cookies, coffee, tea and lemonade to ensure people stop and learn about what our UMW is doing in our church, for one another and in our community.
Barbara Coy on 01-11-2024 at 10:07 AM
Lake Cities UWF in Lake Dallas, recognize our unit and present Mission Recognition award to a member. Our officers/board select that person. We usualy do either a Sunday in September or October. We all wear our UWF shirts and we read the scriptures, etc and have a woman give the message. We really stood out last year with our shirts sparkling!!
Connie Calhoun-Amox, NTC UWF Vice-President on 01-10-2024 at 12:03 PM
At First Plano, we recognize United Women in Faith each year in September. We call it UWF Sunday. Prior to that Sunday, each circle nominates two people to receive the UWF Mission Recognition award. One must be a UWF member.
We create a ballot for all UWF members to vote. Recipients of the award are announced on what we call “UWF Sunday”. On that day, we pass out something to all women and girls. This year, we had a woman preach (Cammy Gaston). We also had UWF members reading scripture, ushering, greeting, etc. It was a great day with lots of attention on what UWF does. Several new women have gotten involved because of what they learned about UWF!
Shannon Morehouse -Secretary, North Central Dist on 01-10-2024 at 3:03 AM
The only time FUMC The Colony had any women recognition was when we celecbrated 150 years of UMW. UMW members were ushers, a brief history of the UMW was presented, and we showed a brief video about the UMW. But the rest of the church service was as usual.
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