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Climate Justice Requires Racial Justice, 4/22/23

Environmental Justice is Racial Justice

The North Texas Conference United Women in Faith held their fourth annual Charter for Racial Justice Event at Northaven UMC in Dallas on April 22, 2023, from 10 -12non. There were 45 in person attendees and eight virtual. Our guest speaker was Ilka Vega, national Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice for the United Women in Faith. After her dynamic presentation, we had Table Talk in small groups to discuss how the complicated and complex issues of environmental justice and racial justice intersect affecting our communities and action steps we can take as individuals and collectively.

Two of Ilka’s many key points were
1) “I mean there’s really no way around it. We can’t have racial justice without climate and environmental justice, and we can’t have climate justice without racial justice.”
And 2) “The people closest to the problem are the closest to the solution.”

Ruth Bowen, NTC UWF
Social Action Coordinator

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