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2023 Mission Projects

Two Mission Projects have been chosen for the UWF of North Texas in 2023. Both missions do very important work and could use our help. Choose the kind of mission support that works best for you / your group:
       1) collect items & bring completed form (below) for Good Neighbor Settlement House in Brownsville, TX, or
       2) send financial support to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).

Bring your collected items/checks and your completed form(s) to District Annual meetings in September, and/or the Conference Annual Meeting in October. OR bring them to our Drop-off location at FUMC Duncanville - Administration Bldg. at 403 S. Main St. in Duncanville. 

Contact Mission Coordinator, Joyce Whiteley if you have questions.

The Good Neighbor Settlement House in Brownsville, TX

. . . serves both homeless families in the area and 300-500 migrants a day. Migrant families are served a hot meal, given a folder with legal advice, and presented with a tote bag filled with daily necessities. In 2022, The Good Neighbor Settlement House served 102,000 migrants. 

In 2023 UWF members throughout North Texas will collect the items listed below for Good Neighbor Settlement House to share with those in need. Be sure to complete this form and include the same information in the package up your items. Deliver your boxed items to the next NTC UWF event and they will be delivered to Brownsville.  

  • Shoelaces
  • Diapers and wipes
  • Snacks
  • Sanitary pads and tampons,
  • Colors and coloring books for children
  • heart  ASSEMBLE HYGIENE KITS - fill a quart-sized
    Ziploc© bag with 
    * Toothbrush
    * Toothpaste
    * Deodorant
    * 2 Masks 
    * Tissues
    * Comb
    * Razor 
    * Hand Sanitizer 

Be sure to complete this form and include the same information in the box(es) when you package up your items. 
Bring boxed items to any Conference event to be delivered to GNSH in Brownsville. 

For More Information abour this mission, contact: 

Joyce Whiteley, NTC UWF Education & Interpretation (E&I) Mission Coordinator 

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)

NTC UWF will be partnering with the Dallas MMIWG Texas Rematriate organization and indigenous advocate, Jodi Voice Yellowfish, to help reduce the abuse and suffering of indigenous women. Our monetary gift(s) will be used to bring justice to the victims of these cases and end this brutality. 

UPDATE: New state laws related to reporting Missing Persons will help the MMIW Rematriate Texas group reporting cases. HB 2660 "Missing Persons" (effective as 9-1-2023) and HB 3556 "Missing Children" (effective immediately).  Look at the description of these bills here

This Sovereign Bodies Institute website has links to current research, publications and public awareness materials, and was referenced by the guest speakers at the June 10 presentation to our NC District program on MMIW. 
Statistics of Indigenous Women show: 


Have been raped in their lifetime 


Lack permanent housing 


Attempted suicide after being abused 


Binge drank daily post attack 


Rape cases (first attack) ended in a conviction 

Most of us don't know much about the issue of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. These movies, documentaries and videos will help you understand the issues. Click on the blue links below. 

For More Information about this mission, contact: 

Joyce Whiteley, NTC UWF Education & Interpretation (E&I) Mission Coordinator