Have you, or others in your group, wondered, 

• Use the "Where does the Money Go?" powerpoint to get some answers. There is also a "Where does the Money Go?" 3-page handout that explains where we spend our money, and also includes information about Mission Giving and The Five Channels of Giving.

It is suitable for a small or large group setting. Preview the slides and contact District or Conference officers if you have questions.

• Consider inviting an officer to speak to your group. Questions are good because they can lead to more understanding. This is an amazing organization that does amazing things with the money given. Get some answers to your questions!

• Consider using the WHAT ABOUT OUR MONEY? A FAITH PERSPECTIVE with your group. This resource booklet provides 4 program sessions with Bible study and activities, lasting 1.5 to 2 hours. Of course you can tailor these sessions to fit your group's needs.  Discussions focus on these questions: 

  • Can we acknowledge to each other the economic inequalities that exist in our own circles, our churches, our neighborhoods, our towns and cities? ‹
  • Can we listen deeply to the biblical texts to understand and learn to trust the messages of God’s abundance and vision for the life of the community? ‹
  • Can we experiment with solutions for our community, listening to multiple voices?