This offering is given by local women, units, districts, or teams to honor or memorialize someone special to them personally or to their group. The amount given to 'burn the candle' is what it takes to fund a minute of all the mission that United Women in Faith does in that year. This amount for 2023 is $18.52 and is sent to Mission Giving at the national level. Consider who you might choose to honor in this way. You may 'Burn the Candle' at anytime throughout the year.
We're going to Burn the Candle at our Conference Annual Meeting on October 21st - see below. Our goal will be to burn the candle throughout the meeting and beyond. Names of donors and those honored and remembered will be listed in our Annual Meeting program book for us all to celebrate. Forms can be submitted online and payment sent directly to our Conference Treasurer. To be be included in the annual meeting program book, forms and payments need to be submitted by September 30th.
EXAMPLE: The women at Denton FUMC celebrate the Burning of the Candle every year on the local level. One woman at a time, they come forward, put their offering in the basket, light a candle, and then tell the group about the special women they are remembering or honoring. It is always a heart-warming and sacred time of sisterhood for the whole unit.
Honor someone with a Minute in Mission at our Conference Annual Meeting on October 21st, 2023. Go to uwfnorthtexas.org/burncandle-23 for the full explanation and form to submit with your donation and honoree's name. There is also a form to download on that page.